How To Prevent Shoplifting And More Business Security Tips In Kingsport
Preventing theft is a big effort for most companies -- especially for smaller retail stores. The truth of the matter is that many retailers can’t afford around-the-clock security or other expensive crime deterrents. Nevertheless, there are certain smart and affordable means to prevent shoplifting in Kingsport to protect your bottom line.
Review these Kingsport business security tips that are a cinch to integrate and won’t scare off your regular clientele.
Protect With A Wireless Security System
The most critical aspect of any wireless security package is having equipment that you're capable of using once it's been installed. A set of connected wireless surveillance cameras is a good place to start and can help keep a careful observation of your premises. It's best to use devices that have wide-angle lenses, high-def imaging, infrared technology, and motion detection to identify suspicious activity. Hang a camera above the entrance and enjoy a total view of your interior, but also put surveillance components pointed toward the checkout counter and storeroom. These are attractive places for thieves and can make your staff feel more secure when helping shoppers.
Then round out your basic security with sensors at doors and other sensitive areas in your business. The ideal alarm system will offer 24/7 monitoring, which responds to a triggered event in an instant. You will also want a configuration that uses a mobile app, so you have the ability to check on your business at any moment you like.
Display Notifications About Your Store’s Protection
The best Kingsport business security tips are often easy but beneficial. To illustrate, displaying signage about your property’s protection at the front entrance of your location and around the register is often an unexpectedly powerful tool in fending off shoplifters. As a business owner, you should be candid with customers, employees, and suppliers that your shop and goods are defended. By just pointing out that your location is under surveillance might discourage a prospective shoplifter from considering a a five-finger discount.
Limit Access To Certain Rooms With Smart Locking Systems
If you limit entry to spaces like storerooms and loading docks, you cut out a lot of ways that shoplifting can occur. A curtain or a swinging door aren’t good enough, as you’re not able to lock them. However, if you install keypad smart locks on your entryways, you can benefit from an additional degree of security for your off-limits areas. You might issue every member of your team their own keypad number, so if they ever resign, you can deactivate their code.
Improper Illumination and Crowded Displays Lead To Increased Shoplifting
It's easier to shoplift when prowlers can hide in the shadows. Additionally, shoplifting goes up with overstuffed shelves and common areas. "Early Bird," Black Friday, and sale specials are particularly susceptible to arrangements that are difficult to keep in check. You probably also know that clearance items are sometimes shoved on a back corner aisle, which allows them to be easily slipped into a purse without being seen.
When you come across a display with items routinely being knocked to the floor, reduce the amount by a third or more. That could sound harsh, but you will have the chance later to reorganize as you like. Just remember, you have a greater chance of spotting something amiss when you have the ability to view an unwanted space in your presentation.

Start Protecting Your Business With A Proven Wireless Security System
If you’re thinking about implementing wireless security for your Kingsport retail location, you should get a package with advanced tech including high-def surveillance. Our Vivint experts will help you create the right plan for your unique specifications and expertly install every device to properly defend your shop. Reach out to (423) 556-9460 or complete the form below.